Saturday, October 9, 2010

Substandard Conditions in Athletes' Village Take Aces Off Their Game

In spite of assurances by Indian authorities that substandard conditions in the athletes' village had been rectified, Aces players appeared to be suffering some ill effects from their accomodations this week as they fell 4-3 to a focused Warriors squad.

"There's no hot water in the showers" whined Aces forward and channa tester Paul Ferris "It's all I can think about when I'm on the ice." Other players voiced similar complaints, including:

  • "A monkey stole my skates" - Mike K
  • "I am so sick of Kingfisher beer it's not even funny" - Al H
  • "There's a cow in my room. I can't sleep" - Ralph R
  • "I found a cobra in my jockstrap. Hiyo!" - Bruce H
  • "All my equipment was stolen, and I had to buy it back from a homeless family for 10,000 rupees. I was saving that money for monkey repellent!" - Maurice V
Apparently all the distractions have had a negative impact on the Aces' game, since they could not mount the same kind of attack that propelled them to an 8-3 victory in week one. In spite of goals from Aubrey, Rich, and another player whose name I forget now, the blackshirts came out on the losing end of things.

Aces coach Aubrey S has promised to bring a more focused team to next week's match, going so far as to cancel a scheduled trip to Mrs Sangeeta's International House of Sexual Delights and Fine Discount Tailoring (pictured below).

Let's hope this tactic works.


Aubrey Spring said...

Bom Shiva

carbonman said...

I didn't know you spoke Hindi, Aubrey. Too bad I don't - what does that mean?