Thursday, September 17, 2020

End of an Era?

 Dear Aces, 

As your faithful scribe and Aces D-man lo these almost 20 years now, it pains me to tell you that I will not be acting in either capacity for the 2020-2021 season.

Since olden times have I endeavoured to record the 100% true adventures of the Black Aces Hockey Club, and I've enjoyed every minute of it. Like the time the team defeated the Toronto Maple Leafs in a friendly midnight shinny contest at Phil White Arena (the outdoor rink) while Zamboni Girl go-go danced wearing nothing but white cowboy boots in a cage over centre ice. Or the time we all flew in Borje Salming's private jet to the Swedish Ice Hotel while we left behind a team of homeless guys to take our place against the White team (we won). Will we ever get the smell out of our equipment?

Good times. 

Zeus willing I will be back next season, but between COVID and some lingering injuries I have decided to sit this one out.

Carry on the tradition, Aces. Bring back the cup.

Your humble scribe and defender,